Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Serve the LORD with Gladness - Psalm 100:2
The objectives that are to be carried out by this society to and through each woman are to:
LWML at Redeemer meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m. September through May. They meet in the Parish Hall for singing, Bible study, and business.
- Give glory to the Triune God by testifying to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reflecting in our lives that He is both Savior and Lord.
- Nurture Spiritual life by developing and promoting Bible study and prayer opportunities.
- Create and cultivate a climate of acceptance, a sense of belonging, and an atmosphere of trust in which each woman may appreciate her uniquness as a child of God.
- Utilize her God-given talents within the congregation, in the community and the world.
- Enable her to attain her fullest God-given potential through discovery and use of special skills.
- Inform others of needs and opportunities for Christian service at home and abroad.
- Support the programs and objectives of the National Lutheran Women's Missionary League.
LWML at Redeemer meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m. September through May. They meet in the Parish Hall for singing, Bible study, and business.